MSR&LHA Company Store

Internet Order Form

Quantity                          Description Price Each Total
______ _______________________________________
______ _______
______ _______________________________________ ______ _______
______ _______________________________________ ______ _______
______ _______________________________________ ______ _______
______ _______________________________________ ______ _______
______ _______________________________________ ______ _______
______ _______________________________________ ______ _______

TOTAL ENCLOSED _____________        

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________   State: _______   ZIP: _______________

Phone or e-mail: ____________________________________________________

* Orders are shipped postpaid in the U. S.
* Make checks or money orders payable to FRIENDS OF CASS.  They must be payable in US$ and drawn on a U.S. bank.  Send cash at your own risk.
* Sorry, we cannot accept credit cards.
* Recent postal rate increases have made it very expensive to ship orders to foreign addresses, especially ones outside North America.  If you are interested in placing a foreign order please e-mail for payment options and an estimated shipping cost.

Send your order to:

MSR&LHA Company Store
c/o Bob Hoke
6304 Kaybro St.
Laurel, MD 20707

If you have questions please e-mail or phone 301-725-5877.

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Page last updated or validated on Dec. 6, 2024)